September 02, 2014

A little about embedded structs in Go

Go doesn’t have inheritance in the traditional sense, forcing you to rely on composition. “That’s so Go” should be a phrase, and this is a great example of one. Go seems like it was created to avoid entirely many bad practices we’ve developed over the years, and brittle inheritance hierarchies is certainly one of them.

One benefit of inheritance is that you don’t have to repeat yourself, and Go enables this as well with embedded structs. They have some warts, but I was pleasantly surprised with the behavior when an embedded struct had the same field as its container.

I’ll show a short example here. First the structs:

type ProductFields struct {
	ID           uint   `json:"id"`
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	CurrentPrice string `json:"current_price"`
	IsOnSale     bool   `json:"is_on_sale"`

type Product struct {
	ID uint `json:"id"`

type Variant struct {
	ID                 uint   `json:"id"`
	VariantDescription string `json:"variant"`

As I’ve learned, a Variant is an instance of a Product with unique characteristics: size, color, materials, whatever. I think a Variant typically maps to a SKU.

Variants within a Product often share the same price, among other information, so we have a set of fields that we want to display on both a Product and Variant – this is the ProductFields struct.

Note that it has an ID property that gets parsed/serialized to the JSON id property, and the two container structs (Product and Variant) do as well. How does Go resolve the conflict?

I think of it as “container wins” – a field defined in a container will override one from its embedded child. So when we serialize a Product to JSON we’ll see its ID, not the one from ProductFields. Here’s an example use – full file here:

func main() {
	fields := ProductFields{
		ID:           9876,
		Name:         "Grabthar's Hammer",
		CurrentPrice: "59.99",
		IsOnSale:     false,
	jsonDump("Product fields", fields)

	p := Product{
		ID:            123,
		ProductFields: fields,
	jsonDump("Product", p)

Which will display like this – note the ID displayed in the second JSON blob: it belongs to the Product container:

Product fields as JSON:
  {"id":9876,"name":"Grabthar's Hammer","current_price":"59.99","is_on_sale":false}
Product as JSON:
  {"id":123,"name":"Grabthar's Hammer","current_price":"59.99","is_on_sale":false}

The reverse works as well – an ID in JSON that gets assigned to a struct of type Variant goes to the right place:

	v := Variant{
		ID:                 8181,
		VariantDescription: "Size: Large / Color: Mauve",
		ProductFields:      fields,
	variantJson := jsonDump("Variant", v)

	newVariant := Variant{}
	json.Unmarshal(variantJson, &newVariant)
	fmt.Printf("Variant serialized from JSON\n  [ID: %d] [Name: %s] [Price: %s] [On sale? %t] [Variant: %s]\n",
		newVariant.ID, newVariant.Name, newVariant.CurrentPrice, newVariant.IsOnSale, newVariant.VariantDescription)

which displays the following, putting the ID from the JSON where we expect:

Variant as JSON:
  {"id":8181,"variant":"Size: Large / Color: Mauve","name":"Grabthar's Hammer","current_price":"59.99","is_on_sale":false}
Variant serialized from JSON
  [ID: 8181] [Name: Grabthar's Hammer] [Price: 59.99] [On sale? false] [Variant: Size: Large / Color: Mauve]

The only thing that’s kind of awkward is creating the structs with literals. You can’t just flatten out all the fields into a single definition, you need to group the fields per struct so Go knows where to put everything. Annoying, but certainly workable, and “That’s so Go” to not hide these sorts of details about structs.

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