By the time you read this I’ll have ditched the Template Toolkit-based static site generation system and moved into Github pages. I tried out Squarespace as well – the years of podcast ads mandated it! – but:
So now I have:
Motivation for the change was an itch to write a little more. Which isn’t hard since I’ve written almost nothing for a few years. So time to start scratching…
(1) This was actually straightforward with the ttree-based generation I was doing. Just changed the configuration to point to a different per-page header + footer to XML-based ones, and pointed the output to an entirely different directory.
(2) Dreamhost has given me ZERO problems over the years, and I’m a little sad to say goodbye. Highly recommended.
(3) The “related posts” feature is pretty much useless and doing something more interesting I think requires access to the code that does the generation. Github pages works by running Jekyll on the code you push to your repository. If it becomes really annoying I can choose to host the static files myself on that Linode instance.