If you read this from a feed you should have seen a notice
that I'm now using Atom to serve up what little content I've
been writing.
That's the least of the changes -- this is now a 100% static website,
with the only dynamic stuff provided by Apache server-side
includes. There are a few reasons for this:
- Complexity: I never get to work on OpenInteract2 anymore (and
even if I did it would have a gigantic amount of catching up to do
in many areas), and a full database, component system, object model,
etc. is massive overkill for a blog plus some dusty old
- Looks: I'm awful with CSS and layout, so I swiped this from
some site Google gave
me. It would have been possible to integrate this stylesheet and tags
with the previous version, but it would have been much more
- Portability: Just in case something ever happens to this box
it's now a snap to move it elsewhere.
- Speed: On the miniscule chance I ever write something that gets
picked up by some big site, the old site might have done okay, but
probably not. (It wasn't built for speed, never performance tested
it, etc.) Plus, this is running on a pretty old box (dual
The technology behind this is fairly simple:
- ttree: Shipped with the Template Toolkit (perl), this is a
script to process a bunch of files as templates. It fills a nice
sweetspot by exposing enough complexity to do many interesting
things while still hiding a lot of yuck. Plus, I still think the
Template Toolkit is the most useful templating package out
- A few scripts to generate 'dynamic' stuff: This includes the
list of links from del.icio.us, recent photos from flickr, the tag
cloud and tag pages, the Atom feed and a bunch of index pages.
- Apache2 with SSI enabled
The process to redo the site was straightforward:
- Dump all the blog articles to text files, exposing the page
title as a TT2 'META' variable and the tags as an HTML comment they
can be parsed out later.
- Also create a mod_rewrite consumable file to map the old blog
URLs to the new ones (which are much nicer, IMO --
/news/display/1234 vs
- Copy the rest of the HTML files in the site to a workspace and
go through each to see if it's still useful and where it should fit;
also expose the page title as a META variable. (This took the
longest time.)
- Create a header and footer for the site as TT2 templates.
- Write scripts to generate a bunch of stuff that you think should
be generated (Atom feed, index pages, components included with SSI,
pages related to tags)
- Reconfigure Apache and deploy, deploy!
There were a few hitches:
1. XML::Feed
has a bug
that prevents it from generating a valid Atom feed. It's pretty easy to
fix with a monkeypatch:
# first, install a few updates to XML::Feed::Atom if XML::Feed <= 0.12
if ( $XML::Feed::VERSION <= 0.12 ) {
require XML::Feed::Atom;
sub XML::Feed::Atom::id { shift->{atom}->id(@_) }
sub XML::Feed::Atom::updated { shift->{atom}->updated(@_) }
sub XML::Feed::Atom::add_link { shift->{atom}->add_link(@_) }
print "* Installed additional methods to XML::Feed::Atom\n";
2. I spent way too much time chasing zebras because ttree complained
the first time it tried to process the header file about a syntax
error, but every successive time it just said 'header.tt2 not
found'. So when I ran the script I saw something like this:
header.tt2 syntax error blah blah
..1500 lines later...
blog/2008/03/31/bar.txt: header.tt2 not found
blog/2008/04/04/foo.txt: header.tt2 not found
3. I spent only a little time up front worrying about speed. I
shouldn't have. Generating a site of this size (processing about 1600
files or so) only takes a few seconds. And since ttree will only
process files that've changed, it's basically instantaneous.
4. No comments. I didn't migrate the comments and, not wanting to
write something myself (or even implement something someone else
wrote), I am looking around for a third-party solution. If I find one
that's useful and accepts migration I might do so, but we'll see.
5. Stuff I missed. I probably missed something, but it's not
life-and-death. I don't have rsync or version control setup yet to
push/pull changes, but that can wait.
Anyway, we'll see how it goes!