Rhino, the pure-Java JavaScript interpreter, has received fairly short shrift in the dynamic-languages-for-Java meme. Maybe this is because many people have a bad impression of JavaScript because of its browser associations? Who knows. But it’s pretty darned nifty.
In the Rhino documentation the "Implementing Java interfaces" section in Scripting Java talks about how it creates the equivalent of anonymous inner classes. Basically, you can create an anonymous JavaScript object that has a property 'foo' set to 'bar' like this:
var myobject = { foo: "bar" };
It's anonymous because it has no class behind it. It's actually more like a plain old Perl hash than an object, and if memory serves the Rhino book refers to the JavaScript Object as a simple associative array. But in JavaScript, especially when using it with Java, it's simple to morph the Object into something else. (You can rebless a Perl object but it's frowned upon.)
Extending that, you can create an object with the anonymous method 'foo' that returns 'bar' like this:
var myobject = { foo: function () { return "bar" } };
Again, not so interesting. Adding a code reference to a Perl hash is standard stuff.
Here's the nifty part -- you can marry these anonymous JavaScript objects with Java interfaces. Say you had an interface 'Fooable':
package com.foo; public interface Fooable { public String foo(); }
You can create a JavaScript object that can be used by Java classes expecting a 'Fooable' object like this:
importPackages( Packages.com.foo ); // create the JavaScript object and wrapper separately var myobject = { foo: function () { return "bar" } }; var fooable = new Fooable( myobject ); // same thing, just all-in-one... var fooable = new Fooable( { foo: function () { return "bar" } } );
From what I understand, behind the scenes Rhino creates a proxy that delegates all calls to the wrapped JavaScript object. (Technically this is using a 'JavaAdapter' object rather than a 'java.lang.reflect.Proxy' or something else, but I haven't looked into the details.) One difference between this and manipulating JavaScript prototypes is that you can't replace the methods later:
importPackages( Packages.com.foo ); // fails, 'foo' not implemented! var fooable = new Fooable(); // create placeholder for 'foo' works... var fooable = new Fooable( { foo: function () {} } ); // ...but replacing it later fails! fooable.foo = function () { return "bar" };
As a more complete example, here's some Rhino code to pick a random file from a directory, with an optional matching pattern to restrict the files to choose from. (I've chosen to maintain a Java-ish feel in how the 'FileFilter' is created so I don't alienate people on my team not as familiar with JavaScript.) Note that 'File' and 'FileFilter' are both Java classes from the 'java.io' package.
importPackages( Packages.java.io ); function chooseRandomFile( dirName, filenamePattern ) { var dir = new File( dirName ); if ( ! dir.isDirectory() ) { return null; } var matchingFiles = dir.listFiles( new FileFilter({ accept: function ( file ) { if ( ! filenamePattern ) { return true; } var pattern = new RegExp( filenamePattern ); return pattern.test( file.name ); } }) ); return pickRandomItem( matchingFiles ); }