Stefan Norberg
Open source software and standards should always be our first
Commercial s/w only chosen when there's exceptional business
Contribute to the community by buying support, or by sponsoring
initiatives to improve the product.
(image with the architecture: pieces they use: Terracota, Esper,
protobuf, RabbitMQ, AcitveMQ)
- sports betting
- online since 1998
- 30+ sites in 27 languages
- make about $250m/year
- "technical" growth is > 100%/year
2006 -- 80% of your customers will think about going elsewhere if
your page view time is 4 seconds; 2009: 2 seconds
How to do this?
- Latency: data too far away from where it's needed
- Bottlenecks: resource contention
Introduce Kevin:
- customer to candy store; wants to buy 40 pieces
(including candy bars and bubblegum))
- extremely small pockets; fit only one piece of candy
- his house is very far from the store
How to fix?
- Sell bags of candy! (But bag doesn't hold candy bar and
- Kevin is browser; bag of candy is one big JS file, or CSS
- Sell bags on street corners! (closer to user)
But... data center is on a little island in Mediterranean
(Malta), for legal reasons. This is bad: poor roundtrip times,
Tune tune tune the front end.
* 80/90% of end-user response time is spent downloading and
processing all the components on the page.
* Rewrote and optimized all the front-end code -- spent 4 months
on this, cut load time in half
* Implemented image spriting and fixed other issues w/cache
* best practices: Use YSlow and Page Speed
* progressive rendering key
* improve performance by having objects served close to user = be able to time how long it takes
to load a page
- Be close to users with CDN
- Prepend CDN proxy name to all static files
- Set a one-year cache time (no 304) (if more than year you'll be
marked as suspect)
- Version static content
- Stripe objects over several CNAMEs
- Use several CDN vendors for load balancing, redundancy
Live betting data distribution
- 10000s of realtime clients need price updates almost every
- 20 concurrent games
- 10+ offers within one game
- Product growth 60-80% per year
- Right now, clients running bets are all hitting a single place
("like a laser beam attack on Malta")
- Would rather have fan-out servers; working on this right now,
will go-live before Christmas
- RabbitMQ, end-to-end messaging (referenced AMQP as "TCP/IP
for messaging)
- Kaazing Enterprise Gateway: uses HTML5 WebSockets;
connection offloading; supported AMQP clients in Flex +
Silverlight; great at overcoming last-mile hurdles
(firewalls, proxies)
- Google Protocol Buffers
Example #1: more hardware!
- kids invading store works okay for a while, but we hit
contention in the bubble gum machine (DB)
- ...can scale that DB up really tall, but that's really
- paying per core is paying for peaks... acceptable?
- You cannot buy a product to solve your problems.
Example #2: near cache
- Terracotta: Network attached memory
- Extend the JVM threading model across JVMs
- In-memory speed access to data
- Fully coherent, with stored-to-disk guarantees
- Writes sent as deltas across nodes
- Update betting engine; sends to Event Repository in Terracotta,
which ensures others get the update
- Issue with TC: L2 server can be bottleneck; so shard, or
use $$ version
Example #3: Offload reads to separate systems
- MySQL replication for history
Example #4: Affinity + multi-master replication
- Customer system backed by replicated LDAP (using 389 server);
customer sticky to a single customer system so that lookups and
writes go to the same system, which means we avoid replication
conflicts because all writes for a single user go to the same
Example #5: Scale writes
- Need to get settlements done quickly -- so they can drop more bets!
- More than 10,000 writes/sec
- Scale out by using multiple MySQL instances
(nice image of how all these fit together; interesting that the
move toward heterogeneous servers was )
Recipes used: