November 20, 2009

QCon 2009: SOA at eBay

Sastry Malladi, eBay

  • Distinguished Engineer; building large systems for ~20 years

SOA is journey


  • one of the first to expose APIs/services
  • support REST as well as SOAP (former supported way more)
  • lots of feedback, lots of evolution
  • early adopters of SOA governance automation
  • continuously improving architecture with 3 goals: agility, innovation and operational excellence


  • mix of optimized, custom SOA framework as well as BoB + open source components


  • organize enterprise as set of business functions
  • reduce cost of developing new features (and reduce cost of failure)
  • encourage + enable new business opportunities

Practical standpoint, what is SOA?

  • architecture to move from brittled, hardwired application silos
  • to shared, reusable services
  • that eliminates redudnacy and enables agility

SOA: not just technology (tech + process + people)

Common misconceptions:

  • SOA is new, just a paradigm applied to existing tech
  • implies WS + SOAP: actually not, REST with JSON/K-V pairs is equally popular, if not more
  • end to itself: no, just a means to enable agility
  • services dev from ground up: always leverage existing functionality, but morph into services
  • at dev time, consumers + use cases are known: can evolve

Challenges in largescale deployments


  • Additional latencies due to multihop
  • Debugging/tracing is harder
  • Need efficient request/session caching (contextual cache; you don't want to jam it in the message; or make it part of the contract)
  • Security/monitoring challenges
  • Lots of standards, pick one!


  • Dev adoption + learning curve
  • Governance
  • Migrating existing apps
  • Updates to existing tools + processes
  • Deployment + rollout
  • Measuring ROI


  • Co-existence of old and new tech during transition
  • Supporting internal and external clients that have different protocols/data binding needs for the same deployment
  • QoS and SLA management: very low latency needs, huge traffic
  • Integration testing: can do functional testing of your own service, so how do you test in absence of dependencies? service virtualization, where you can express your dependencies and it's autosetup for you in test env
  • High availability and scalability: high volume, low latency
  • Decompose existing app and migrate legacy services


  • Version and dependecy management: esp related to high change velocity
  • Impact to existing tools/env
  • Time to market pressure: pressure will ALWAYS be there, must factor in design process
  • Strong but simple governance, esp w lots of services and high velocity of changes; point is not just bureaucracy, but to help you achieve consistency across org

How is eBay addressing


  • Light and fast platform (homegrown + commercial + open source components)
  • Unified testing f/w and service virtualization (ITKO)
  • Model driven service decomposition; did this methodically and it yes, it took time, but it paid off
  • Support for REST + SOAP from start; how is the interface declared for the REST service? WSDL 2.0 has the notion of bindings, including an HTTP binding; ebay uses WSDL 1.1, but includes a concrete way of binding to the REST service


  • One of the first to automate governance and lifecycle management
  • Incremental service deployment: can deploy different services separately based on dependencies declared (?)
  • Strong operational management tools
  • Developer training and incentives for being good citizen; includes training for designing good services
  • Formal process to measure adoption + process; haven't formalized ROI measurement

How many services at eBay?

  • internal: several hundred
  • external: ??

eBay SOA Platform:

  • framework: overhead < 5 ms
  • monitoring: customizable, for internal people only; using SNMP; service registers events, and aggregators (within the JVM); these get put into OLAP cubes; eventually they get into a dashboard
  • security: XACML/WS-Policy based extensible authen/authz
  • rate limiting: enforcing capacity, budgeting, traffic control; use XACML to express these
  • service registry and repository: governmance, lifecycle mgt; bought SOA software Repository Manager
  • ESB: for routing, transformations, and mediations (use opensource for this, Apache Synapse)
  • orchestration engine: Q how different than ESB? A ESB for matching requester and responder for protocol, message type, whether to use sync/async, etc. Several ESBs mingle in the rules for orchestrating. But generally, orchestration is more of a process (BPEL) -- example of getting watched items, which fetches the watched items, the latest prices for each, transforms the data into only what's necessary, then returns.
  • dev tools (eclipse plugin) for service/consumer development; very concerned with making things simple, otherwise things won't go anywhere; never leave the IDE space, even for testing
  • ops tools (management, monitoring, alerting)

Q: Your end user experience is synchronous, but your services and coordination are async? Is that a tension? A: Absolutely. It took several years to get that absolutely right. Not all services are equal, which impacts the routing rules. Sometimes the traffic goes point-to-point and is synchronous.

Highlights of framework:

  • Declarative pipeline high performance architecture
  • Request and response decoupling
  • Protocol and data binding agnostic service
    • same service instance can be invoked using multiple protocols and formats -- NOT like JBI which requires normalization; natively serialize and deserialize (more later -- protocol plugins do this)
    • no message normalization or conversations
  • Pluggable data formats
    • OOB support for SOAP, JSON, Binary XML
    • Streaming support + attachment support
    • WSDL
  • Pluggable transports, including local

Use JAXB for pluggable data formats; use streaming XML api + stream readers/writers custom written for JSON, key value pairs, etc. No intermediate format, avoids extra conversion. (Lots of work done on this that I missed a bit)

Stuff about SOA Governance: my takeaway is that it's declarative; heard this a lot in the last few days. Enables consistent review, change management, dependency management. Automated tools using XQuery to ensure that WSDL matches what's expected. Also, reconciling what you find at runtime vs what you expect to find from your design.


  • Solving tech part is relatively easy. Easier than solving operational aspects -- must do from beginning.
  • Up front design and modeling of contract/interface, including granularity is very important.
  • Service layering, dependency + version mgt must be well thought through.
  • Invest up front in governance, testing tools, developer training.
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