November 18, 2009

QCon 2009: Continuous Deployment

Nathan Dye, Microsoft

Code requires care and attention; it's a living thing.

...vs idea that change is bad, we must do as little as possible.

CMW: Quote that Jarkko used to have on his emails: "Biologists have another word for 'stable': it is 'dead'"

Their setup, lots of services (~108) deployed over lots of systems (~3500; CMW: is that right?)

Used to have infrequent releases (6-12 months).

Different errors at deployment time:

  • "Not really done" -- and should have been, with tests etc. catching. Effect: push ship date.
    • "It'll be better if we do this one thing right next time..." but it never was, just new problems
  • "Unknowable circumstances" -- scaling; weird customer demand patterns that (for example) screwed up load balancing proxies

Talked to friends at amazon about their service infrastructure (CMW: what was that great podcast with Werner Vogels discussing this and how they setup teams? SE Radio?)

  • What they wound up doing:
    • Any service team can release their service any time they want
    • Isolate the services
    • Detect when problems occur
    • Be able to rollback
    • Add them all up: continuous deployment

Service team

  • Cross functional co-located (CMW: share the "wall of pain")
    • Put people together and they'll get things done, in ways you cannot foresee
  • Service inventory: name, purpose, dev + ops + project owners; if you cannot define it this way, it's probably going to be hard to change


  • Scale out: have lots of instances of a service, so when a new version is rolled out and it fails you only affect a small number of users
  • Versioned interface, same reason; CMW: c/c with REST, where the content (media type) is versioned rather than the service.


  • Every instance of a service can tell an HTTP caller its health (however it needs to do that and what 'health' actually means is encapsulated within the service itself)


  • Usable rollback is very liberating

CMW: is this also applicable for a period of time after service x.1 has been in deployment? e.g., I deploy service X.1 and 10 hours later need to roll it back to X.0; possible? Or just immediate rollback?

CMW: is this easier to do in DB if you don't change anything inplace, but instead add new columns (even if duplicative) and you can drop old ones in a successive version? (Kindasorta similar to Helland's "always INSERT" idea for scalability)

  • Exposure control: facade to service can control to whom the service gets delivered -- e.g., can only deliver a particular version to users from east coast.

Parallel chain: ability to replicate process for dev/testing purposes, see how things work in the real world.

  • Example: ETL process that moves data through a series of services to wind up at service Z. Replicate the same series of services, but instead wind up at deve service Z'.
  • Chain itself is a conceptual component, but not a single service so it cannot report health. ND mentioned development of external 'watchdog' to serve the same purpose.

CMW: Focus of all this work allows you to manage change in the smallest scope possible, both technically and human-wise.

CMW: The "how can you tell if you made a change six months ago broke stuff" is a red herring, IMO. Does anyone do that successfully in any systems, no matter what their architecture?

CMW: Same with "how do you deal with security issues of anyone can deploy?" Make people accountable for their actions! (See presentation from Netflix CEO.) But at least you're giving people control of their own destiny, and it requires that you make things transparent (track who deployed X to server Y at time Z).

More: (wiki)

deployment; agile –>

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