November 16, 2009

QCon 2009: Seduced by Scala

Dean Wampler

(as of EOM works at training company)

Why Scala?

  • Functional support

    • useful for concurrency -- concise, correct
    • lock-based programming too low level, too prone to error (like managing memory)
    • concise: saw problem over and over as consultant: too much code (maintenance and testing easier)
  • OO improvement

    • better composability, scalable design
    • works with Java, not against (stuff in back of presentation talks more about interop)

Statically typed (unlike a lot of new languages)

Author: Martin Odersky; combines academia and real-world well

  • Scala: well thought-out principles, rigorous
    • Static vs dynamic: does dynamic typing scale? (Not performance, maintenance.)
    • Should long-lived apps be written in static or dynamic? (what if you don't know if it'll be long-lived?)

When you see departures from java syntax, there's always a good reason -- e.g., 'var: type = value'

  • Method names: almost any character allowed -- like *, /, ?, ... (pseudo-operator overloading -- it's not REALLY overloading, but it looks like it)
    • Example "hello" + "world" == "hello".+("world")
    • Infix operator notation
      • Infix: only one argument can be passed to the method (there's something similar wrt zero-args)
    • Example: "one" compareTo "two"
    • Criticism that they use too many of these, vs words; sounds like perl anti-sigil stuff

Type inference

  • Why do we need to declare types twice? (e.g., new HashMap<...>); Google collections does this now

    val persons: Map[String,Person] = new HashMap

    • val => read-only variable
    • declaration: "name: type"
    • use '[' for parameterized types vs '<'; this way you can use '>' and '<' as operators
    • semicolons optional except where absolutely required

Another way:

val persons2 = new HashMap[String,Person]

Initializing with literal, no 'type annotation' required:

val name = "Ella Mae"
var count = 0

Succinct type declarations:

class Person(
    var firstName : String,
    var lastName  : String,
    var age : Int
  • Class body is the "primary" constructor
  • "var" means the field exists with accessor and mutator
  • "val" means the field exists with accessor
  • Class body has curlies after the declaration

  • NOTE: field names and method names share the same namespace

  • No 'public' keyword in scala; by default everything is public
  • private/protected can be parameterized to precisely control (see more in book)

What this means, expanded:

class Person( fn : String... ) {
    // field
    private var fName : String = fn;

    // method
    // no '()' after 'firstName'
    // no explicit 'return'
    // the '=' means you're returning data; optional
    def firstName : String = {

    // _= allows user to do 'person.firstName = "foo"'
    // 'Unit' like 'void'
    def firstName_=( fn : String ) : Unit = {
        fName = fn

Methods with one expression don't need '{...}'

class Person( fn : String... ) {
    private var fName = fn;    
    def firstName = fname    
    def firstName_=( fn : String ) = fName = fn

Why not use javabean syntax?

  • Don't want clients to care whether variable exposed as variable or as method -- Uniform Access Principle
  • Changing between field + method does require recompile of clients though
  • If you DO need this (like Spring), you can use annotation:

    class Person( fn : String... ) { @scala.reflect.BeanProperty var firstName...

Tuples: Tuple1 ... Tuple22 declared in Scala:

class MyMap[A,B] {
    def firstPair : Tuple2[A,B]...

val pair = ( 3, "Ella Mae" )
println( "Age is: " + pair._1 + " for " + pair._2 );
// 'println' imported automatically, through a 'predef'
// object (more later)

You can do this w multi-valued assign...

val pair = ( 3, "Ella Mae" )
val ( age, name ) = pair
  • Using 'val' in the argument list for the class means it's a variable you pass in that you'll use to compute your fields (or whatever).

  • Main rules for when types are required:

    • method arguments
    • method return types if recursive

You have secondary constructors as well as primary ones

def this ( fName : String, lName : String ) = 
            this( fName, lName, 0 ) // default age to 0
  • Restriction: first statement MUST reference another constructor, and it must reference one 'above' it lexically


class Employee( fName : String, lName, String, 
                age : Int, val job : Job ) 
    extends Person( fName, lName, age ) 
{ ... }

User defined operators

class Complex( val real : Double, val imag : Double ) {
    def +( that : Complex ) =
        new Complex( real + that.real, imag + that.imag )
    def -( that : Complex ) =
        new Complex( real - that.real, imag - that.imag )

    // declare a '-' operator that 
    def unary_- = new Complex( -real, imag )

    // 'override' is REQUIRED
    override def toString() = "(" + real + "," + imag + ")";

Can use with '+='...

val sum += new Complex(...')

Packages and imports

'' is like '*' in Java (e.g., 'import'); can alias others:

import => JReader    
import{ File, Reader => JReader }
  • Can have multiple package declarations in a file; file and type names do not have to match. (It's still convenient, but not necessary.) Also, directory and package names don't have to match.

  • Type hierarchy

    • Top: Any; but AnyRef more similar to java.lang.Object
    • ScalaObject mixed in to scala.* under AnyRef
    • AnyVal => Unit, Boolean, Float...
    • 'Null' is a type under 'AnyRef' but not 'AnyVal'
    • 'Nothing' is a type under both AnyRef and AnyVal, but you cannot have instances of it; useful in declaring things like collection that have have instances of either AnyRef or AnyVal

Other built-ins:

  • List[+A] => immutable, functional type
  • Set[+A] => Both immutable and mutable
  • Map[+A]
  • TupleN[...]
  • Option[A]: container that may have something in it, or it may not; Some(A) or None; used in returns, need to unwrap before using (??)
  • FunctionN[-A1...-AN, +R]: R => return type

More on types:

+A covariant

    new List[String]
      isa subclass of
    new List[AnyRef]

    * This is dealing with the list type *itself*, not the crap in it
    * Think of it as lists following the stuff in it

    def printClass( l : List[AnyRef] ) = {
        l.forEach( x => println( x.getClass ) );

    printClass( "a" :: "b" :: Nil )
  • '::' called 'cons' => "b" prepends

  • -A contravariant

    trait Function2[-A1,-A2,+R]

    so: Function2[AnyRef,AnyRef,String]
            is a subclass of
     -- going in wrong direction!

Function literal syntax:

    ( AnyRef, AnyRef ) => String

...put off decisions about type safety to runtime?

...contravariance constraining what a function can accept

  • confusing examples on this.. isInstanceOf[Int] will never be true, since we're never going to be able to pass in an AnyVal
  • is this worthwhile? DW: yes, reinforces the long-term benefits of strongly typed languages
  • Contravariance only used in the FunctionN types (?)
  • 'mapper' example, can use generics:
    def mapper[T]( l : List[T], f: (T) => Any ) = { f(_) );

    mapper( "a" :: "b" :: Nil, (x:String) => x.toUpperCase );

Implicit conversions:

  • Scala (like Java) does not have open classes
  • Literal map syntax is NOT built-in
    val months = Map( "Jan" -> 1, "Feb" -> 2 ... );
  • declared as: Map((a,b); the '' is like varargs, slurping)
  • implicit conversion, String to ArrowAssoc
    // -- 'implicit' tells the parser it can use this for type
    // conversion
    // -- name of method irrelevant
    implicit def
        any2ArrowAssoc[A] ( x: A ) : ArrowAssoc[A] = new ArrowAssoc(x)

    class ArrowAssoc[A]( val x: A ) {
        def -> [B](y:B) : Tuple2[A,B] = new Tuple2(x,y);
  • Think of these conversions as 'registered'
  • Useful for creating DSLs, since you have a simple hook into the parser
  • List to tuple -- I got a little hung up on how to ensure we're only converting 3-element lists
  • Traits: like interfaces with implementations, or like abstract classes + multiple inheritance
    trait Queue[T] {
        def get() : T
        def put( t: T )
  • No body on methods means they're abstract, we don't need to declare since the compiler can figure it out
  • traits can override other traits and still be incomplete
    trait QueueWithLogging[T] extends Queue[T] {
        abstract override def put( t:T ) = {
            println( "put(" + t + ")" );

    class StandardLoggingQueue[T] 
          extends Queue[T] 
          with QueueWithLogging[T] 
  • you can mixin these traits on the fly, per variable (!!)
    var sq = new StanardQueue[Int] with QueueLogging[Int];
  • In terms of AOP, traits give us advice, but not a join point
  • Can mixin any number of traits to a class;
  • Can also define any required methods in the definition:
    var sq = new StanardQueue[Int] 
                  with QueueLogging[Int]
                  with QueueFiltering[Int] {
        def veto( t: Int ) = t < 0
  • Multiple traits can be 'with'd, precendence is right-to-left ("loosely speaking", he says; spec is apparently much more complicated)

  • Method lookup:

    1. In type?
    2. Mixins, right-to-left
    3. Superclass
  • Traits cannot have constructors with arguments


  • Everything can behave like a function
  • Function1 (FunctionN) isa trait
    trait Function1[-A,+R] {    
  • Scala looks for 'apply' matching the given types
  • No side-effects; think of '20' as variable, you'd never change it with (20 += 1)
  • Why functional? Concurrency, no mutable state
  • Immutable data pro:
    • Safer concurrency
    • Safer to share with clients
  • Con:
    • Overhead of copying (CW: impact on garbage collection?)
  • Benefits of side-effect free:
    • Can determine behavior easily
    • Can invoke concurrently, and anywhere (depends on no other context)
    • Encounrage immutable objects
    • These also mean you can compose them into other functions
  • Functions: declarative, not imperative; tell the rules of what needs to be done (results), not the how
  • Properties of types are very important (Simon Peyton-Jones apparently has talks on this); making primitive types well-behaved is VERY important
    • Another way to think about: what are state transitions of the types?
  • Compared to OO, which uses TDD to tease out correctness of types
  • DW: this is one of the differences between scala and Erlang, because the latter is essentially typeless
  • Scala's thesis: FP complements OOP
  • Objects are functions (or can be); Functions are objects.
  • Any object graph can be decomposed into primitives, or collections
  • Collections: Construct, manage them functionally
  • What are properties of the following?
    • Name
    • Account balance
    • Street address
    • Financial instrument
  • (CMW: this kind of thinking tends toward the discussion with kcpeppe on enum behavior...)

Companion objects:

class Complex...

// must be in same file (compiler-enforced)
object Complex...
    def apply( r : Double, i : Double ) = new Complex( r, i )

The 'apply' method in the 'object' acts as a factory. * DW: typical behavior for him is to have a single constructor in the class, then variants in overridden apply() implementations in the companion

  • Any object followed by parameter list, apply() is called
    case class Complex( real : Double, imag : Double ) {
  • Arguments to primary constructor become fields
  • 'val' not required (though you can use 'var')
  • Auto-creates equals, hashCode, toString

Example from Map

object Map {
    def apply[A,B] (elems: (A,B)*)...
  • At first I thought a copy constructor should be created, but then after reflecting for a minute I realized that copy constructors make little sense with immutable data.
    Student: Master, does the case class create a copy
    Master: Yes.
    Student: <executes code with a copy constructor>
             Master, my code does not work. 
    Master: There is no copy constructor.
    (the student is englightened)
  • '==' and 'equals' are the same thing; for object identity use 'eq' (but this is rarely used)
  • 'case' classes are useful for low-level, structural types
    • but don't inherit, equals and hashCode are broken
  • 'case' because of 'unapply', and this hooks up with pattern matching
    • "switch on steroids"
  • Any method ending in ':' binds to the right
  • equivalent
    A -- 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil
    B -- Nil.::3.:: ...
  • 'Option' uses 'sealed' => hey compiler, everyone who subclasses me is in this file; put the smackdown on anyone else who tries
  • Returning an 'Option' is better than null
  • Pattern matching is actually regex on steroids, because you're matching object properties instead of text; and you're doing so with a kind of "match by example" syntax that allows you to specify what varies and capture or not
  • 'unapply'; created by default in the 'case' class
  • allows you to specify how to unpack an object of this type for pattern matching (that's why they're called 'case' classes, duh)
  • "Pattern maching used in FP like polymorphism used in OOP"


  • implemented as static functions (equivalent, not explicitly)


  • classic operations on functional data types:
  • list
    • map
    • filter
    • fold/reduce
  • for loops can also have more stuff; arbitrary number of generators, conditions, assignments
  • 'yield' will give back a value that will be sent to the result of the 'for' loop


  • Internal DSL: written in scala, a little idiomatic but still scala
  • External: its own grammar, parser, etc.
  • All this goop is related to internal

External DSLs

  • Parser combinator library
  • Syntax for declaring the parser BNF-like (weird, but follow-able)


  • Message passing, no shared state
  • Actor model around a while (since 1970s)
  • Scala's impl inspired by Erlang, but "no shared state" isn't enforced (just strongly encouraged)
  • Use pattern matching to dispatch messages to functionality
  • one pattern is 'stuff of this type':
    case s:Shape => ...
  • Should process every message that comes in, otherwise you'll have a full mailbox eventually
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