For my fellow addicts in the burgh, I offer the following locations that carry what I consider to the best store-bought hummus you can get (sorry for the excessive flash on their site):
- Giant Eagle, South Hills Village area: you need to look in the Kosher refrigerated section, not with the rest of the hummus or even with the hippy veggie stuff. It used to be with the rest of the refrigerated 'ethnic' but moved with their recent renovations.
- Giant Eagle, Squirrel Hill: also in the Kosher refrigerated section.
- Kuhn's, Banksville Road: in the case with the 'fancy' cheeses, across from the ice cream freezer. (AFAIK this is a recent addition, and very welcome because it's right down the hill from my house.)
The only reason I'm posting this is because the online locator says there are no stores within a 50-mile radius of my house. It ain't so!